+442381550062, +447492986006

How it works

Orionmonex offers cheap, fast and secure money transfers to friends and family or your own bank account in West Africa.

Simply create your free account and follow the steps below:


Enter your information and Recipient Information:
Select the recipient who you wish to send money to, and the country they live in.


Choose Transfer Amount:
The system will calculate the payout amount in the currency you've selected at the best available online exchange rate.


Select Payment Option:
Use internet banking or telephone banking to transfer money into our account.
When complete, review your transaction and click the submit button, and your online money transfer is on its way!

Orionmonex keeps your security a top priority. Speed of money transfer service is subject to many factors, including but not limited to:

i. Approval by Orionmonex Compliance team.
ii. Confirmation of your fund in our bank account.
iii. Accuracy of Recipient payout information supplied.